Calls-to-action or CTAs are essential for a profitable, sale-oriented ecommerce site. CTAs are basically what make visitors take action once they land on your most prized pages.
Most CTAs will direct internet users to place an order, make an email inquiry, rate a product, or sign-up for newsletter. However, it is still evident that many ecommerce sites do not have powerful calls-to-action that can effectively direct visitors to make a decision that will help you in internet marketing.
Here are the top 5 tips to help you write powerful CTAs for your ecommerce business.
1. Make Your CTA Noticeable
The best way to make your CTA stand out on your web page is by using contrasting colors and font size. The calls-to action should not be too small to be buried under your page images and other texts. Where you place your CTAs is also important for success in ecommerce.
In most cases, the CTAs should be placed just next to or after your page content. This will enable your visitors to take action as they read or in most cases after they have read the content in the web page. Also, ensure that the CTA statement is written using bold print and white space is used wisely.
2. Have Short & Detailed CTAs
Having a main text that only captures the attention of readers is not enough. You should go an extra mile by providing useful details about why you need them to act on the particular way. Being specific enough on what you want people to do can make your CTA very powerful.
Finding the right balance between the length of the CTA and the details can be very challenging at times. You should ask the reader to do something while at the same time ensuring that they get to know what to expect after doing the thing. They should be able to learn more about the effect of taking the action even before clicking on the CTA button or link.
3. Put CTAs on Relevant Web Pages
The CTAs you choose to use should not only be relevant to the web pages you upload them on, but also to the general context on which made the reader to land on your website. For example, if a visitor to your web pages is looking for “Top Places to Visit in China 2015” just like you have listed on your web content, and your CTA boldly tells him to “Click Here for Free Samples”, then there is a big problem.
To begin, what free samples are you addressing? Are you talking about free samples of places to visit in China?
Secondly, you should be talking of travel offers and suchlike stuff for the CTAs to completely capture your readers’ attention. The CTA used in this example is without doubt unsuitable and completely irrelevant to the web content.
4. Make Exciting CTA Images
The whole web page where you will be placing your CTA should be exciting to the readers. No one would like to read about wonderful discounts in a boring page that puts them off upon first visual. Of course, not all your ecommerce web pages will be exciting to visit but at least ensure that the images you use on the pages are of high quality and exhilarating to visitors.
If it is a travel website, ensure that you make use of top-quality photos of the best destinations in the area. Images used next to CTAs tell a lot about how serious visitors to your web pages will take your ecommerce business.
5. Have a Thank You Page
The “Thank You” page does not have to stand on its own. It can be a small section at the bottom of your web pages where visitors can leave a comment or two, sign up for a newsletter or even fill out surveys to help you improve on the services. If possible, you should ask for email contacts for visitors on this page and establish a wider connection of communicating with your potential clients through effective CTAs.
Hopefully, these tips will help you in coming up with highly-effective calls-to-action for your ecommerce site.